poetry:nature:Visual Arts

About Me


Gareth Thomas is a poet and visual artist living in the mountains of the great connecting range. He writes mostly about environmental and social justice and identifies with a community of artists who reject the industrial/modernist identity of artistic genius to move towards an ecological paradigm of arts practice. His work is published online via www.earthpoesis.wordpress.com and Overland. His work has also been shortlisted twice in the Judith Wright emerging poets prize.

As a visual artist Gareth works with natural found pigments that he grinds up in his domestic/wild studio spaces. The pigments are taken directly from places he has connection with and he believes that it has made his art making a spiritual practice. It has also made his art making a political act.

As a poet Gareth works to express a grounded experience of place. The nature of the poetry is simple observations of the world. The language is everyday and earthy. It is not abstract or philosophical. It is in the simple everyday observations that meaning is found, mostly in the unspoken associations that the imagery carries within itself. The world carries its own creativity where juxtapositions of random encounter tell a holistic story. Gareth feels that his work as a poet is to communicate, in simple poetic language, the experience of the world story in my place of belonging. The place tells its own story.

3 responses

  1. thanks for following artcalling. It was such a relief to find an interested person rather than one more site about promoting your work on internet etc. I feel quite a bit of resonance with you from what I’ve seen on your blog so far. The Matthew Fox book on work sounds good, and Suzi Gablik has been a guiding light for me ever since I started questioning the relationship between the sacred space I do my art in, and the commercial art world. I’m 64 ,and so glad to see Gablik still being read by a young father with kids. Great that you’re out there, I like what you are doing very much. kind regards,

    August 4, 2014 at 8:06 am

    • Hi Sarah 🙂 it was very refreshing to come across your blog. As soon as i read the tag line i new i was in a good place. Thanks for all of your words, considerate and warm. I first started blogging with the intention of connecting with like minded community of artists. After a while i felt like it just wasn’t here or at least i couldn’t find it. Feel free to suggest other bloggers 🙂 I first read Suzi Gablik at art school and never looked back. She really articulated the things i was feeling and made so much sense. The idea of the modernist genius made no sense to me in the profound cascade of brillance that seemed to be pouring out of the people all around me. I really appreciate your words and feed back and look forward to following up on the suggestions and links you posted as well as reading both your blogs. Take care

      August 4, 2014 at 12:11 pm

      • HI Gareth, great to be in touch. Please don’t give up on finding your community, I know how hard it can be, you just need patience. I’ve linked your blog to Tendingtime, slowly one by one, like-minded people are finding their way there.You’ll find your people too. It can be profoundly isolating to follow the path you’ve chosen- away from the art-star stereotype. As you may see in tendingtime, I hit a low place with all of that last year, and then stumbled upon a whole new community. Though I’m only in touch with one woman from this period now, it is profoundly nourishing. You may want to check out Dark Mountain, http://dark-mountain.net/ and Jeppe’s and Cat’s blogs which are also linked on Tendingtime.
        you take care too, I’m looking forward to seeing how your path develops. Sarah

        August 4, 2014 at 3:09 pm
